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What's New?
Anyway, the new page will hopefully appear soon!
Another all Swedish page has also been added, Lathund för arvodesberäkning for calculating remuneration for translation of fiction into Swedish.
The page Mailinglists and Newsletters has been updated with a new section with newsletters. As many may have noticed these pages are a bit hard to read in Internet Explorer. That is because I prefer to use the Norwegian web browser Opera.
There does not seem to exist any news groups anymore (or am I wrong?) Anyway, the page Mail/news is updated with information about various mailinglists for translators. New links are marked ![]()
I have also updated the pages with links to other translators and companies. Didn't your page make it? If your home page only consists of a CV or contact information, please register in Aquarius database instead. Some links have disappeared, but there are plenty of more to replace them. Hopefully I will soon have time to check my archive with interesting links also.
I receive a lot of mail asking for advice for aspiring translators. Unfortunately I have not had time to answer all, but I can recommend a visit to Alex Eames page with information for aspiring translators . Have a nice summer!
Among all the e-mail I found several that I haven't answered, mainly with questions about how to become a translator. Unfortunately I just don't have time to answer all the questions that I receive. As I have mentioned before I am planning to compile a FAQ in this subject, but I haven't had time to do that either. Just today it has come to my attention (via Norskjal) that translators can stay for free in special centres around the world for a couple of weeks. This sounds exciting and I am looking into this at the moment.
I would also like to take the opportunity to apologise to all of you who have sent me questions about becoming a translator for not answering. As I have mentioned before I am planning to compile a FAQ with the answers to the most common questions, but I have lots of plans and to little time...
Those of you who keep an eye on what's going on at Lantra-L knows that I am planning to create a page with macros by and for translators. I already have some good material for the page, but I suspect I won't get around to create the page until after the summer. Yes, and then there was the hair voting ... The votes still keep pouring in and now there is a clear leader. Be patient! You'll soon know!
The result of the vote for a hair style will be published at the next update. At first my favourite coiffure got most of the votes, but lately one of the others has taken the lead. D ecember 1 last year I mentioned some of the reasons for not adding links to all pages I receive information about. Let me elaborate a bit: Some pages only contain brief information about the translator/company in question. Personally I think these pages are boring and uninspired/uninspiring. I think a lot of people overestimate the value of being present on the Net, no matter what. Furthermore I don't believe companies (translators) necessarily attract new customers just because they have a web page. On the other hand I believe that an interesting and substantial web page attracts a certain attention that could lead to useful contacts and, eventually, to new customers. Moral: Translators are creative people. Don't hide that fact! (I hurry to add that lots of the pages are entertaining, interesting and highly personal.)
Otherwise there are quite a few additions to the pages. The biggest news is that there now is a Swedish page with information for translators to and from Swedish and for translators living in Sweden. This page is only in Swedish. Now you can also navigate among the pages by clicking the nice little buttons at the top and bottom of each page. This means that you don't have to jump back to the first page all the time. There are new links on most of the pages and information about some new tools in the Tool Box. I would also like to proudly present my father, Bertil Falk's, home page! He has just published a new detective/thriller that has got very good reviews. Unfortunately that information is only in Swedish. But you can also read about science fiction writers that he has admired and met and Indian politicians that he has also admired and met! Last but not least I would like to inform you that I will be compiling a page with advice and hints for aspiring/new translators. I have received many letters with questions about how to get started as a translator, and I just haven't had time to answer them all. So if you have written to me and not received an answer my advice is to keep your eyes open around the new year! See you then!
Two days ago I wrote that nothing much has happened on the Brontė pages. Next I find out that Brontė Parsonage Museum now has Web site. Though I am sorry to say it is not very good. The pictures are far to big and most of the information is what you are not allowed to do in the museum and how much everything costs. But Web pages are not easy. I have known for a long time that my pages don't look as well in Internet Explorer as they do in Netscape. (I don't even dare to think what they look like in Mosaic etc.) I have made an attempt to fix them, but to be honest I think the pages have a life of their own - they don't behave at all as expected!
In the beginning I got lots of "no" votes in the survey (below), but the last few weeks things have changed and at the moment "yes" is actually in the lead. (You can still answer the survey a bit further down). I don't think I will add any frames for a while (the thought of it!), but I can promise you more pictures as I have recently bought a scanner. This automatically brings me to the next survey. This time it is up to you to decide what hair style I shall adopt! Last I have to tell you that one of my e-mail folders has crashed - and it was, of course, the one where I kept all mail from the readers of my Web pages. So if you have sent me any information and not received an answer, please send me an other message.
The biggest change this time around is that the links to Tools and Software for Translators have been moved to the renamed page The Tool Box (rather clever, if I may say so myself!). There you will also find a new interesting Find Shell and Terms Management Macro for Word 6. I have recently upgraded my hardware which means that I don't have to disable Auto Load Images anymore when I am surfing the Net. Seeing all the nice pages with frames and icons and so on I get the urge to do the same thing to my pages. At the same time I don't want the download time to be too long. This is why I would like you to answer my little survey. If I find, after the summer, that too many can't view frames etc., I'll put the project on hold for the time being: Click one of the boxes (yes, I know it really should have been radio buttons, but I am much better at check boxes). If you click the wrong box, just click it again to remove the check mark.
1. Rearrange the pages with frames and more graphic.
Oh, I nearly forgot to tell you that the guestbook finally has been updated on general request (my father).
I have also finally got my new computer with a 17" screen (!) and I have, with some hesitation, customized the pages to suit it better. I am aware that those of you who aren't as lucky as me and still use 14" could suffer - please let me know if you think the readability has deteriorated.
I've been away testing software in Amsterdam for a few days. At the Airport I bought a couple of computer magazines (as usual) and in one of them I found an interesting add for "personal fonts". You can actually order a True Type font based on your own handwriting! You'll find the link to the company on the page Bits and Pieces. Other pages that have been updated today are Language Links and Hints and Tools for Translators.
So far nobody has managed to solve the mystery about my secret page. So here is another clue: As I've said before the key to the answer is on this page and it is the quantity that counts!
Find my Secret Page!
When I'm not translating I attend a programming class in Visual Basic. Inspired by this I wrote a, in my opinion, brilliant macro (the first I ever wrote as opposed to recorded). The macro enables me to search my glossaries with Examine without leaving Word - I just select the word and press a key! Clever, if I may say so, myself (I have just started programming, so bear with me). There are lots of things to think about when creating Web pages. Now when Alta Vista finally has found my pages I have discovered some interesting things. I realized that the text Back to Cecilia's Home Page shouldn't be at the top of the page. Instead there should be a brief description of the content of the page as only the first couple of sentences show up in the search result. I also discovered that a search for "Brontė" isn't the same thing as a search for "Bronte". As I have spelt their name correctly on all the pages, they are not listed at a search for "Bronte". I have solved this problem by adding a line at the bottom of all Brontė pages with the alternative spelling.
Why not post an entry while you are there? If you are interested in the Brontė sisters, and also like sewing, I would like to recommend the new addition The Branwell/Brontė Samplers.
Your Bronte sisters site will be visible on the page for a few more days. PS. c.i.w. stands for comp.infosystems.www. DS.
In spite of "extensive beta testing" there were a few mistakes here and there. There was an error in the code for "Cecilia's Home Page" in the update form at the bottom of the first page. If you have submitted a request for notification when my Main Page is updated you have received an error message from URL-minder instead. The error message contains information about how to cancel the service: Go to URL-minder cancellation page and submit the cancellation code from the error message. Return to my page and fill in the form again. I apologize for the inconvenience! Many have found the information on the page Hints and Tools for Translators very interesting. I am planning to extend the page and add more information about viruses in general and the macro viruses in particular. If you have any information or hint that could be of interest, please contact me.